Thursday, 21 July 2011

Groups of People I've Been Annoyed By Today/Idiots - 1

. People who don't press the button at the crossing
They were there before you and you may assume that they had pressed the button but no, they haven't. How long would they have waited had you not come along and pressed it? Nobody knows. Possibly forever. These people are idiots.

. People who join the people waiting at the crossing and don't check the button has been pressed
These people are also idiots but it is not their fault as much as the above. However, people who join people waiting at said crossing and don't check the button has been pressed but stand NEXT TO the button, thus preventing anybody else from seeing whether the button has been pressed and creating a general feeling of button-pressed-ness, they are real idiots.

. People who stand really close to you when there is oodles of space
Why so close? Waiting on a train platform the other day a lady stood far too close to me. I could have touched her. But didn't. She was probably an arms-length away. Then a man chose to walk BETWEEN us. There was space either side of us but instead of over-shoot or under-shoot that specific spot for crossing to the other platform, he went between. Idiot.

. People who amble
My least favourite type of ambler is the one on a busy street who bumbles about and takes no notice of the speed of other walkers. They willy nilly wander into your lane and don't check before pulling out. These people are idiots. 

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