Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Baby Names

If I were ever prime minister I would set a few ground rules and the first and foremost would be Baby Names. I hate it when people call their child Steve. What baby actually looks like a Steve? Bring me one. Seriously. If you can find me a new born who is absolutely rocking the name Steve, you can call him that. Otherwise, not on your nelly. Same goes for Paul, Kevin, Ken and all those other boring names people insist on perpetuating. I don’t need to list them all (although if I were PM I would. To save confusion.) I do understand that some names have a family tradition but respect your family by being interesting and original or change one letter: Ken to Ben. Paul to Saul. Kevin to Bevin.

I wonder if this would create an underground, renegade Steve-Gang called The Real Steves or something.... Anyway I would rather you called her Wigwamjellyelbow than Pam.